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Archangel Raphael - The Angel of Healing

Archangel Raphael - the Angel of Healing

Who is Archangel Raphael?

Archangel Raphael is the Angel of Health and Wellbeing, and his name means "God Heals".

Quick Summary of Archangel Raphael

  • Name meaning: God Heals

  • Purpose: to align you with healing and promote wellbeing

  • Qualities: healing and wellbeing

  • Aura: emerald green

  • Element: air

  • Direction: east

  • Energy signature: divine masculine qualities

  • Chakra: heart

  • Crystal: green crystals, green aventurine, malachite

  • Your life areas: physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing

Archangel Raphael, as the Angel of Healing, leads the choir of Healing Angels, whose purpose is to promote and provide healing on all levels.

"There is an entire order of angels specialized in healing as well. These angels serve under me, Raphael. We have the ability to heal all levels of your being - your body, your mind and emotions, and your spirit. We can restore your divine blueprint if there are any cuts, tears, or programs in it that do not serve."

– Archangel Raphael channeled by Angelic Scribe

Caduceus - symbol of medicine. Raphael often appears wearing this symbol or carrying this staff.
Caduceus - symbol of medicine. Raphael often appears wearing this symbol or carrying this staff.


Green Ray

Archangel Raphael is the Chohan the Fifth, Green Ray.

Archangel Raphael is incredibly powerful and his signature emerald green aura embodies healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

Raphael can help you experience healing from past wounds, may they originate from this lifetime or your previous incarnations.

He can also help you heal your inner vision, your Third Eye, so you can see the world through the eyes of truth. When your Third Eye is healed, you are empowered and able to create your experience through visualization.

Properties of Green Light:

  • Connects you with Archangel Raphael and his Healing Angels

  • Heart Chakra opening, balancing, and awakening

  • Trust and follow your inner voice

  • Opening and healing your Third Eye

  • Developing and trusting your inner vision (clairvoyance)

  • Developing intuition

As Archangel Raphael can help you heal and balance your Third Eye, he can also support you in improving your focus, concentration, and memory.

Archangel Raphael healing your inner vision
Invite Archangel Raphael to heal your Third Eye.

How to Work With Archangel Raphael?

Archangel Raphael's purpose is to align us with healing - wellbeing is our birthright, and he can guide us and help us align with it.

Raphael teaches us that healing is our innate ability and we can all learn how to align and heal from within.

Even though Archangel Raphael can provide instantaneous and miraculous healing, more often he will guide you on what lifestyle changes you need to make to promote healing yourself.

Raphael will help you develop the ability to heal on all levels and in every way:

  • Body, Mind, and Spirit.

  • Past, Present, and Future

Healing Comes From Within

Raphael wants to empower you to align with healing yourself - in most cases, imbalances and dis-ease are caused by blockages on different levels of your being - in your emotional body, etheric body - then manifested on a physical level. Your thoughts, destructive patterns, or emotions may block your body's innate ability to heal.

Raphael wants you to reclaim your personal power and act on the guidance he provided to become more aware and present in your healing process.

By shifting your awareness to the cause, you are able to take conscious steps to address the root of the problem, resolving the imbalance and dis-ease and anchoring the healing light into your experience.

With this in mind, Raphael will reach out to you with guidance, inspiration, and insight into how to take positive action which will align you with healing.

The guidance from Archangel Raphael may come to you directly - through your inner spiritual senses or indirectly - through advice from your friends, family, or your favorite TV show. Be open to a multitude of ways angelic guidance may come to you, and act on the inspiration you receive.

Raphael may guide you to change your routine and cultivate well-being, self-acceptance, self-love, and self-care practices to open up to healing energy and allow more light to flow through all levels of your being.

This can manifest as leading a healthier lifestyle or seeking medical advice. He may inspire you to have a more balanced diet, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, spend more time on outdoor activities, and generally just have fun, and enjoy your life.

If you get flashes of inspiration to become more healthy - this is Raphael reaching out to you and cheering on you to heal! Be on the lookout for signs from the angelic realm - such as synchronicities, motivation, or ideas.

Raphael is a powerful ally if you are struggling with weight loss (or weight gain), fitness, and changing your old eating habits.

If you would like to align with healing, ask Raphael for support, and then listen to his guidance and take action to align yourself with your innate ability to heal.

Raphael is Supporting You and Encouraging You Every Step of the Way

When you begin making positive changes in your life to align with a healthier lifestyle and well-being, ask for Archangel Raphael's support and signs to encourage you to stay motivated on your path.

Ask Raphael to surround you with his emerald green aura, and trust that he is here, providing healing, support and guidance.

You can ask him for help to achieve your well-being goals - and he will shower you with love, guidance, and inspiration and help you with motivation to push forward.

Raphael Supports Healthcare Professionals

Raphael provides guidance to medical professionals - doctors, nurses, pharmacists, veterinarians, energy healers, and anyone working directly or indirectly in healthcare and wellbeing.

Raphael will also help you find the right medical expert that will provide you with the best care for your condition. He will also guide this medical expert to provide you with the best therapy that is aligned with your greater good.

Archangel Raphael - Healing is Love. And Love is Healing.

Healing is Love

"Healing is Love. And Love is Healing."

– Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael wants us to remember that fighting against a disease closes us to love and enhances fear. When you shine your light on fear and let the love in, fear is released.

You need to open up to love, love your body, and bless your body. When you accept your body fully and completely, you create an opening for light to flow through each and every cell, and this constitutes the healing process.

Archangel Raphael wants us to realize that every disease serves as a guide, as a message from our body to know that we have ignored the subtle whispers. Listening to our body, and accepting it, helps us return to balance and wholeness once again.

"Tuning into healing is opening up to more love and accepting love in many forms. This is the deepest and most complete way of tuning into healing."

– Archangel Raphael channeled by Angelic Scribe

Archangel Raphael Helps You Stay Healthy

You can call upon Archangel Raphael to protect you from contracting a disease - he will provide guidance on how to remain healthy.

Also if you wish to feel more energized, call upon Archangel Raphael to give you a boost in vitality.

Working With Archangel Raphael to Heal Others

Archangel Raphael can not only help you to receive healing for yourself, but he will also guide you to develop your ability to heal others.

Archangel Raphael is your powerful guide and ally if you are a doctor, energy healer, wellness practitioner, or if you work to heal the animals, and plants, or help the planet recover.

He can remove blockages or obstacles you may face in your healing practice. He can send you guidance, messages, intuition, and insight to help you and your patients on a healing journey.

Traveling With Archangel Raphael

In addition to healing, Archangel Raphael can be called upon when traveling.

Archangel Raphael is known as the protector of travelers.

When going on a journey, he can help you feel safe and protected. If you invite Archangel Raphael and his angels with you on a trip, you will notice that everything seems to run smoothly!

Call upon Archangel Raphael and your angel team as you go on a journey - before going to an airport, or traveling by bus, train, or ship, and Archangel Raphael will surround you with his emerald green light to protect and comfort you on the journey.

He can also help you remain healthy on your trip, as well as help resolve any challenges or remove obstacles when traveling.

In addition to the physical journey, Archangel Raphael can help you on your spiritual journey as well, and assist in walking your chosen life path.

Through healing, you are aligning yourself with higher levels of light and opening new pathways you can choose to walk. Ask Archangel Raphael for assistance and he will support you in choosing your next steps.

Archangel Raphael protects travelers. Be on the lookout for your intuitive guidance as he will often bring you messages through your intuition.
Archangel Raphael protects travelers. Be on the lookout for your intuitive guidance as he will often bring you messages through your intuition.


RELATED: Would you like to know how to elevate your vibration and create a sacred space? Discover Angel Invocation, and surround yourself with the powerful presence of the Archangels!

Archangel Raphael is one of the Archangels that hold the sacred space. Learn more in this post!

Archangel Invocation

Archangel Raphael Prayer

If you would like to connect with Archangel Raphael and his Healing Angels via prayer, I encourage you to use your own words. This helps you build a more personal relationship with the angels compared to using a generic prayer somebody else created. Also, you will feel that the prayer is more sincere when using your own language.

If you require inspiration, you can start with the below examples:

"Dear Angels, thank you for healing me on all levels!"
"Dear Angels, thank you for making me feel whole again!"
"Dear Angels, thank you for flowing your healing energy through my body, mind, and spirit!"
"Dear Angels, thank you for surrounding me with your healing light."
"Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for healing me now."
"Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for your emerald green healing light."
"Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for surrounding Person X with your emerald healing light."
"Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for ensuring my trip runs smoothly. It feels so good knowing you are traveling with me."

If you are interested, I have created printable Archangel Prayers so you can connect with your favorite Archangels on the go! It is completely free, and you can download it here!

Free Printable Archangel Prayers for Download by Angelic Scribe


RELATED: How to Receive Angel Healing - The Ultimate Guide. The presence of an angel can be incredibly healing. Learn how you can access healing from the angelic realm in this step-by-step tutorial. Angel healing is available to all, and anyone can learn how to connect with angels of healing to receive their loving energy.


Start healing with your angels now!

Meditation to Connect With Archangel Raphael

Sit or lie comfortably.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you shift your awareness within.

Imagine that your room starts filling with emerald green light. The light is all around you. It colors your walls and illuminates your face and your body.

Everything around you is bathed in emerald green.

The light not only baths you in its green glow, it shines through you, illuminating you from within.

See the light enter your body - through your breath, through the pores on your skin. The emerald light enters the body through the Crown of your head and your Third Eye, your each and every chakra.

You are glowing as brightly as an emerald.

As likeness attracts likeness, the emerald light begins to attract a being of light of the same qualities.

Archangel Raphael is known for his emerald green aura and he is drawn close by your green glow.

Feel the presence of Archangel Raphael, this kind and strong Archangel of Healing.

How does his energy feel to you? Can you see his image in your mind's eye? What does he look like?

Archangel Raphael will appear to you in a way that will most serve - something you associate with healing. Does he look like a person? Does he have wings or not? Does he appear to you as energy?

Imagine Archangel Raphael in your mind - if he were a person, what would he look like?

Feel his presence as he draws close to you. Bask in his presence.

Archangel Raphael shares with you what you most need to know now to align with healing. Do you hear any guidance coming through? Notice if your attention is drawn to any particular area of your body. Have you received any flashes of insight?

If you don't feel you have received anything, thank Archangel Raphael nonetheless. The information will be revealed to you in the way it most serves.

Archangel Raphael places his hands on your Brow - flowing healing energy to your Third Eye, facilitating the healing of your inner vision.

You may feel warmth or tingles in your Third Eye.

Now, Archangel Raphael places his hands on top of your heart – melting walls or barriers made of fear, opening your heart to a new level. When you open your heart to allow love in, you align with healing on all levels.

Hear Archangel Raphael speak and repeat after him:

"Healing is Love. And Love is Healing.
"Healing is Love. And Love is Healing.
"Healing is Love. And Love is Healing."

With a burst of energy from his hands, your heart is filled with emerald light until it overflows. Your heart is open and healed.

Archangel Raphael steps away now with a final blessing in form of frequency.

Continue breathing and basking in the afterglow.

Return your awareness to your body, to the present moment, and open your eyes.

Ground as required.


RELATED: Angel Energy: Characteristics of Angelic Frequency. Find out more about the properties of angel energy and how it can support your spiritual growth and life journey.


Angel energy: characteristics of angelic frequency


If you're itching to dive into the world of other Archangels, these posts below are a must-see!


Archangel Raphael is an incredibly powerful angel of healing and well-being.

His emerald green light can heal on every level - body, mind, and spirit.

Call upon him if you require assistance in changing your lifestyle habits, finding the right healthcare professional or medical advice, or if you would like to open up to healing others.

Have you tried meditating with Archangel Raphael? Let me know about your experience below!

With love,

Angelic Scribe

White Plants

Angel Frequency

Have you noticed a tingling sensation?


While you have been reading this blog post, the Angels are broadcasting a frequency. 

With angelic frequency comes divine light, healing, love, compassion, ascension codes, programs, and upgrades.


To claim these blessings from the angels, you just need to be open to receive.

About the Author

Hello, dear lightworker! 

I am connecting with angels and channeling their messages to support everyone in the process of spiritual awakening. 

Hope you will find something that resonates with you on my blog. 

Celestial Angel
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