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Who is Archangel Orion? Meet the Awesome Angel of Oneness!

Archangel Orion Cosmic Angel


Who is Archangel Orion?

Say hello to Orion, a new Archangel gracing our planet with his powerful energy. As the Archangel of Oneness, he's here to help us experience a deep sense of connection with the Cosmos and All That Is.

Orion is the ascended light being of the stars, embodying the essence of angelic qualities making him feel like an Archangel. He collaborates closely with other Archangels and light beings, and his radiant light resembles that of the angels themselves.

His name, Orion, signifies a rising star in the sky. Named after the Orion constellation, he broadcasts his divine frequency through the renowned Orion's Belt, composed of three brilliantly shining stars: Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka.

Whenever I gaze up at the night sky and catch sight of the Orion constellation, an overwhelming sense of joy and interconnectedness with the stars washes over me. Next time you spot Orion's belt in the sky, I encourage you to reach out to Archangel Orion and open yourself up to receiving a profound message or an enlightening frequency download!

Archangel Orion brings with him fresh information and energy to assist us in navigating the shift toward a new world that is deeply connected with the Universe and all that is. His radiant light and energy represent the vastness of unconditional love and the abundance of the Universe itself. Picture him as a radiant being adorned in starlight, surrounded by an aura that mirrors the deep hues of the indigo night sky, with the Milky Way gracefully twinkling in many vibrant colors.

Orion is a galactic or cosmic angel. His vibration is incredibly high, earning him the distinction of a throne angel, much like Metatron and Sandalphon.

Orion usually appears as a masculine energy, emanating a radiant light that fills the space around him. However, he is versatile and can also embody feminine energy if that is what you need when connecting with him.

With Archangel Orion by your side, you can embark on a voyage of cosmic connection and embrace the vastness and power of unconditional love and the many blessings the Universe has to offer.

Quick Summary of Archangel Orion

Name meaning: “Rising Star”

Purpose: to help you feel oneness with all that is, ascension

Qualities: protection, unconditional love

Aura: dark blue/indigo/violet, all colors of cosmic nebulae

Energy signature: divine masculine and feminine qualities

Chakra: stellar gateway

Your life areas: connection to the universe, stepping back, and seeing the bigger picture in life

You can work closely with Orion if you would like to:

  • Have a teacher in spirit

  • Find your life purpose

  • Manifest a life filled with love

  • Feel and access unconditional love

  • Feel one with all that is

  • Cleanse and protect your energy

Invocations for Orion and his energy:

Cosmic Love…Come to me now!
Beloved Archangel Orion, thank you for surrounding me with a blanket made of starlight!
Archangel Orion, connect with me now and fill this space with the cosmic light of one hundred thousand stars!
Orion Constellation and Orion's Belt

Orion is Easy to Connect With

Just like Archangel Michael, Archangel Orion is very easy to connect with. He's like that buddy who's always up for a chat, and he knows just how to put a smile on your face with his witty remarks. What's really awesome about Orion is how he simplifies complex information and makes it super easy for you to understand and visualize.

Think of Orion as your cosmic bestie, straight from the stars. He's always there for you, ready to hang out, offer his assistance, and provide guidance whenever you need it. It's like having your very own celestial advisor by your side.

Orion - Your Cosmic Teacher and Guide

Orion is stepping up as a teacher, a guide to humanity at this time of great changes. As humanity goes through this mass awakening and shifts its perspective, Orion steps forward to lend a helping hand and share his profound wisdom as an awakened star being.

Orion has a deep understanding of the laws of the universe and is always connected to the Source of All That Is. With this profound connection, Orion can help you feel at home in this vast universe, allowing you to experience a sense of belonging and interconnectedness with everything around you. From this space of oneness, you'll tap into an infinite well of possibilities and effortlessly manifest your desires into reality. Orion's mission is to make this process easier for you by providing guidance that expands your esoteric knowledge and nurtures your spiritual growth.

But here's the best part: Orion knows you're not just a spiritual being; you're also a physical being with practical needs. That's why he offers down-to-earth advice that can be applied to any situation. He honors your humanness while guiding you on your spiritual journey.

Orion genuinely loves assisting us on our path, and he's here to teach you how to unlock your spiritual gifts, strengthen your connection with angels and other guides, receive messages from your spiritual team, explore energy healing, and even delve into the art of channeling divine wisdom and healing energies.

As already mentioned, Orion is incredibly easy to connect with and hear. In fact, he can act as an intermediary, helping you establish connections with other Archangels that you may find challenging to connect with on a personal level. With Orion's guidance, messages from other guides, angels, and Archangels become clearer and easier to hear.

He's here to support you, expand your spiritual horizons, and help you unleash your true potential. You're in for an incredible adventure of growth and connection!

If you are interested, I have created printable Archangel Prayers so you can connect with your favorite Archangels on the go! It is completely free, and you can download it here!

Free Printable Archangel Invocation for Download

Call Upon Orion for Protection and Healing

The cool thing about Orion is that he knows how important it is to stay grounded while reaching for the stars. Balance is the key. He'll make sure you don't get too carried away in the vastness of the cosmos, keeping you grounded and connected to the physical reality and Mother Earth. It's like having a buddy who gives you a gentle nudge when you're floating off into space.

Not only does Orion bring that perfect mix of uplifting and grounding energy, but his presence is also super cleansing. You can ask Orion to sweep away any negative energies or unwanted entities that might be hanging around your energy or space. Ask him to swing by and do some cosmic tidying up to clear your energy and space. Whenever you connect with Orion, he will provide you with a quick cleanse that uplifts your energy and leaves you feeling refreshed. One of Orion's remarkable abilities lies in his deep connection to healing and purification. As a skilled healer, he has the power to clear away negative energy from your chakras and aura.

With Orion by your side, you can embark on your cosmic adventures with a sense of safety and protection. He's like your very own cosmic bodyguard, watching out for you as you explore the wonders of All That Is. How amazing is that?

So, the next time you need a little energetic spring cleaning or some cosmic protection, don't hesitate to call upon Orion. He's always there to keep you grounded, clear away any negative energy, and make sure your cosmic journey is smooth sailing. It's like having the ultimate cosmic ally on your side!

You can also check out my guide on how to receive Angel Healing. In this guide, there is also a channeled message from Archangels Raphael, Orion, and Michael!

How to receive Angel Healing

Uncover your Life Purpose with Orion

When it comes to discovering our life purpose, Orion is right there alongside Chamuel, ready to lend a helping hand.

Orion encourages us to align our life purpose with compassion, love, and trust. As we do so, we open ourselves up to manifesting various opportunities to serve. Instead of constantly questioning what the future holds, we learn to surrender and flow with the energy that is flowing through us.

Third Pink Ray of Unconditional Love

Orion, as the keeper of the third divine ray, holds the key to the transformative power of the pink ray of love. This ray symbolizes cosmic, unconditional love and encompasses the spectrum from soft pink to vibrant ruby red. It is a gentle yet mighty force that nurtures, supports, and nourishes all aspects of our being.

By aligning with the pink ray, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. We learn valuable lessons of tolerance, harmony, gratitude, empathy, compassion, and kindness. Orion acts as our guide, helping us open our hearts and express ourselves authentically from a place of love.

Pink Ray of Unconditional Love

Through the lens of love, we not only learn to love and accept ourselves unconditionally, but we also develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for others. This expansion into unconditional love allows us to live in a world brimming with all-encompassing love, where joy, passion, harmony, and beauty abound.

With Orion's assistance, we can tap into the profound energy of the pink ray, embracing its transformative power and allowing it to infuse our lives with profound love, joy, and a deep sense of interconnectedness.

Did you know that Archangel Orion is not the only Angel working with the Pink Ray? Archangel Chamuel is the master of Pink Ray as well! You can learn more about Archangel Chamuel in this post. He is the all-loving Archangel of Love and Peace!

Archangel Chamuel Angel of Love and Peace

The Stellar Gateway - Accessing Infinite Energy and Universal Truths

The Stellar Gateway acts as a portal connecting us to the divine and the higher realms. Picture it hovering twelve inches (30 centimeters) above your head, a gateway to something extraordinary.

Its main job is to protect us from getting overwhelmed by intense energy and mind-boggling universal truths. Think of it as a safety mechanism that controls the flow of boundless energy within us.

This unlimited energy is closely tied to the celestial realm and has a cosmic connection, hence the term "stellar" - it's all about stars and space.

Here's the best part: when we tap into the Stellar Gateway, we can access guidance from angels and spiritual guides. As you know, they are here to help us find clarity and navigate our path in life. And guess who's in charge? Archangel Orion! He is the keeper of the Stellar Gateway chakra and makes sure we're on the right track.

Now, let's dive into why we can't just access all the universal truths in a snap. Imagine if we suddenly had access to everything - it'd be like an information overload! Our bodies and minds wouldn't know what to do with all that energy (and information). It could be quite overwhelming and even have some negative effects. So, it's better for us to gradually raise our frequency, allowing us to integrate energy and higher-frequency experiences without blowing a spiritual fuse.

Some believe that the Stellar Gateway chakra is where the essence of our soul resides. It's like the core of our true self, representing who we really are. This incredible energy encompasses all our experiences, not only within this universe but also beyond.

Stellar Gateway

Now, I want to share a visualization technique with you. It's a way to connect with the Stellar Gateway and tap into its power. Ready?

Take a deep breath and relax. Picture an expansive swirling energy above your head, just like the majestic spiral of the Milky Way.

Imagine yourself suspended in space, feeling connected to the vastness of the cosmos. And as you soak in this cosmic stillness, take a moment to express your gratitude to the universe and angels for the blessings in your life. Counting your blessings lifts your vibration and helps you receive even more blessings from the universe! Call in Archangel Orion and his cosmic energy. Let him know you're open to receiving his wisdom and guidance.

Then… Just feel and trust the guidance will present itself to you in a way you will understand.

There you have it, my friend! The Stellar Gateway is like a cosmic superhighway that leads us to unlimited energy and profound wisdom. It's pretty amazing, right? Embrace the journey and enjoy exploring the wonders of the universe!

Etheric Wings: Unleashing Your Angelic Essence

When we dive into the realm of Orion's energy, something magical happens—we begin to unfurl our etheric angel wings! These magnificent wings symbolize our connection with the angelic realm and the opening of our heart center. Embracing this connection allows us to break free from limitations and soar above the constraints of everyday life. It's a truly empowering experience that opens up a world of possibilities.

Picture it like this: when our wings are tucked away, we remain susceptible to external influences, false perceptions, and the chaos of others. But when we spread our etheric angel wings, it's as if we shatter the mold that holds us back.

When your wings begin to open and unfurl, you may feel pressure or energy in the middle of your back, between your shoulder blades.

I've created a simple sequence to help you unlock your ethereal angel wings. It's particularly beneficial for those who may struggle with visualization:

  1. Stand barefoot, with your feet hip-width apart. Feel the soles of your feet firmly grounded on the earth.

  2. Place your hands together in a prayer position, resting them gently at your heart center.

  3. With your thumbs, gently touch your heart, throat, and third eye while keeping your hands in the prayer position.

  4. Allow your hands to ascend, reaching above your crown, while keeping your elbows by your sides.

  5. Continue the movement until your hands are about 12 inches above your head.

  6. Slowly release your arms and let them gracefully shape wings in the air as they descend back down by your sides.

Your etheric wings are now open, ready to embrace the freedom and expansiveness that comes with connecting to your angelic essence. Feel the liberation, and let your wings carry you to new heights!

Etheric wings

You can check the short message I channeled with Angels of Love and Light on Etheric Wings as well.

About Archangel Orion - A Channeled Message

Hi, this is Orion. Greetings to you dear Sister in Light.

Indeed, I am a guide of the light, an ascended being coming from the stars. My home is in Orion's Belt and I broadcast my frequency from the very center of this star formation.

Whenever you look up to the night sky and find my constellation, know that I offer energetic downloads, light codes, and healing.

If my constellation is not in the sky (during summer for Northern Hemisphere) know that I am still available and with you. Light and love are not restricted by the physical reality and perception of distance or visibility.

I was once like you – living my life as a being that had a form. Through spiritual growth, I ascended and decided I would like to help others on a similar path – supporting you and all who need me to ascension.

I bring comfort, high vibrational healing, and the reminder that you and I are the same. We are One, dear sister(s and brothers). There is nothing that separates us from one another. The light at the very core of your being is the same light I am made of, that stars are made of, that the entire universe is made of. So you are a star, you are an entire universe. You are a grain of sand. You are birds singing in the trees. You are the tree. And you are everything that ever was and will be.

You are One with All. I bring a message of Oneness, a frequency of Oneness to remind you how this feels like, to be One with All That Is.

And I am with you, to guide you on your spiritual journey and assist with ascension, just like Metatron. Together, we guide humanity to a brighter future filled with light.

I offer my experience in this journey, to teach you how to navigate the realm of duality and align with love. I'll help your spiritual gifts develop and grow.

And I offer protection from low vibrations, cosmic tricksters, and programs that are not of earthly origin. Call upon me when you require a divine cleanse and I will assist you, together with my brother in spirit, Archangel Michael.

Beloved Child of Light, most important of all, I am your friend.

xoxo Orion 💙

Cosmic love

– Archangel Orion channeled by Angelic Scribe

A Channeled Message From Orion - Opening Your Heart

Dear one, Beloved, I am here. Orion. Teacher guide and ascended being of stars.

I shower you now in my light made of the Milky Way galaxy you call your home and the endless stars of this universe. Allow its dark blue, violet glow to wrap you like a blanket before bedtime. The light offers comfort, is, and deep energy cleanse. release now what no longer serves you. inhale the light and endless hues of Starry Night.

This light will transform your stuck and stagnant energy by raising its frequency and moving it into action. This way, you will integrate parts of your being that feel left out or left behind. All energy belonging to others will be ushered out, released, and returned to its rightful owners. Your energy trapped somewhere or glued to others is now returned to you. It passes through my galaxy light and is once more reunited with you.

Whenever you feel ungrounded or unfocused you can call upon my light to return to your center. Your energy will automatically be balanced with my light of many colors, and grounded into earth. Your higher energy centers above your head and below your feet will be activated with my presence, helping you gain balance of earthly experiences and spiritual growth.

Now with this cleanse complete let us focus on your heart.

Your heart's home is the center of this Universe. This (center of the Universe) can be found in the very center of your heart. Your heart will find the center of your star – the Sun, then the center of your Galaxy Milky Way, and through it the Center of the Universe. And this Universe will guide you to the Source of All That Is. So you see – this Universe can fit inside your heart – it is that vast. Your heart can fit so much love that it can hold an entire universe inside it.

Our Hearts can hold entire universe inside.

To hold this much love, you first need to start opening your heart. Your heart is already open – do not worry – otherwise we wouldn't be speaking right now. But your heart can open to the next level to experience higher realms of love, and then some more.

For that to happen, just allow your guides and angels of the light to come in.

Breathe and feel our presence. If you cannot feel, then know we are here. Our presence is like a soothing balm for your heart. Our light corresponds with the light deep inside you and helps it expand.

With each channeled message, you open your heart more. With each card reading you open your heart more. With each message you act upon, you open your heart more. Opening your heart comes easy; it is a byproduct of your efforts elsewhere – enjoying a cup of good coffee, watching a heartfelt movie, playing with your friends, taking a walk in the sunshine, meditating, laughing, crying.

Just be yourself and your heart will expand.

I'm Orion and I am always with you.

xoxo from the Galaxy.

– Archangel Orion channeled by Angelic Scribe


Would you like to learn more about other Archangels? Check out the below posts!


Archangel Orion shines brightly as a Cosmic Angel, offering his wisdom, protection, and connection to the higher realms.

Orion's energy is both uplifting and cleansing, helping us navigate our human existence while reaching for the stars. He reminds us of the importance of staying grounded and connected to Mother Earth, even as we explore the wonders of the cosmos. With Orion by our side, we can find a harmonious balance, neither drifting away nor getting too entangled in the physical realm.

As a teacher and guide, Orion offers his profound understanding of the universe's laws, sharing his insights and awakening our own connection to the source of all creation. Through his teachings, we can find a sense of belonging and oneness with everything around us, tapping into the infinite well of possibilities and manifesting our desires into reality.

Orion's presence extends beyond the realm of knowledge and spirituality. He acknowledges our humanness and offers practical, down-to-earth advice for navigating life's challenges. He is a cosmic ally who walks alongside us, providing support and guidance as we unfold our spiritual gifts, connect with other celestial beings, and receive messages from the divine realms.

So look up, connect with Archangel Orion, and embrace the boundless wonders of the universe! With Orion by your side, you are never alone in this magnificent journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

As Orion would say - xoxo from the Galaxy 💙


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Angel Frequency

Have you noticed a tingling sensation?


While you have been reading this blog post, the Angels are broadcasting a frequency. 

With angelic frequency comes divine light, healing, love, compassion, ascension codes, programs, and upgrades.


To claim these blessings from the angels, you just need to be open to receive.

About the Author

Hello, dear lightworker! 

I am connecting with angels and channeling their messages to support everyone in the process of spiritual awakening. 

Hope you will find something that resonates with you on my blog. 

Celestial Angel
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