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How to Work With Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael, angel of strength and protection, with the spear.  Art by Angelic Scribe.

Who is Archangel Michael?

Archangel Michael (or Mikael) is the easiest archangel to connect with because his purpose involves loving and supporting humanity in spiritual ascension. He embodies the Spirit of our present age (Zeitgeist).

Archangel Michael is the leader of the Archangels and Guardian Angels and is sometimes referenced as the Prince of the Heavenly Host. He is the archangel of Protection and Strength, and his name means ‘He Who Is Like God.’

Quick Summary of Archangel Michael

  • Name meaning: He Who Is Like God

  • Purpose: protection and assisting humanity in spiritual ascension

  • Qualities: courage, strength, and confidence

  • Aura: cobalt blue

  • Element: fire

  • Direction: south

  • Energy signature: divine masculine qualities

  • Chakra: root and third eye

  • Crystal: blue crystals, mainly lapis lazuli

  • Your life areas: relationships, personal and spiritual development

Archangel Michael is one of the most famous angelic names out there - he is one of seven archangels of the Hebrew tradition, and he is the only angel mentioned by name in the Bible. He is also referenced in the Torah, and the book of the Qur'an as being a protector against evil, and a warrior of God.

He carries a sword of light (also known as ‘sword of truth’) and with it, he can cut through harmful energy, distortion, cords, or attachments and release blockages setting us free from the burden of fear. Sometimes you can see Michael carrying the spear. It has the same purpose and qualities as the sword.

He connects through the Sun and broadcasts his frequency through the Sun - if you want to connect. Just like the sun, his light is strong and powerful but at the same time loving and full of warmth. He connects us with the element of fire.

His aura is a beautiful shade of cobalt blue with electric qualities and he carries a sword of light and fire.

His energy is in alignment with the Middle Path of spiritual evolution (check Rudolf Steiner’s work!), and as such, Michael is perfect for supporting humanity in our ascension and spiritual development. Since you are a spiritual being in physical form, you require balanced growth and support. Michael’s energy is in alignment with that and he will help you nurture your body, mind, and spirit in balanced measure.

All lightworkers carry Michael’s energy, and he protects them from lower and hostile energies or entities while supporting them in bringing more light to our present age.

In my eyes, Michael looks like a warrior who carries a broadsword strapped to his back. His eyes are electric blue with lightning sparks. He is approachable, communicative, extroverted, and playful. But at the same time, he is calm, strong, and brave. His smile is as bright as the Sun. He feels like an older overprotective brother who would do anything for his family and younger siblings.

Post index:

When to Call Upon Archangel Michael

If you want to connect with Archangel Michael, make sure you approach him with respect and reverence as you would any other spiritual master or teacher.

As mentioned previously, it is easy to connect with Archangel Michael, due to his open ‘personality’. He is usually the first archangel to approach you if you are interested in working with angels, and he will stand at the forefront - making his energy easily detectable - broadcasting the frequency that makes you feel safe and protected.

Archangel Michael can help you:

  • overcome fear

  • feel safe and supported

  • develop courage and (self-)confidence

  • cut cords, release blockages

  • cleanse the aura

  • cleanse the energy of your home

  • raise your vibration

  • claim your power

  • embody your truth

  • find and live your purpose

  • make progress in spiritual development

  • and much more!

You can call upon Michael in situations where you are overcome by fear or worry. He will wrap you in his loving blue aura and release the fear into the light.

If you are anxious about an upcoming event, you can call in Michael to ease and dissipate the feeling of anxiety.

If you are struggling with self-esteem or feeling unworthy, Michael can help you get past these restrictions and develop a more loving view of yourself - and reclaim the power you surrendered.

You can call in Michael to cleanse your energy and energy of your surroundings - your home, your building, even your office or car!

Archangel Michael can help you understand the goals you set for this lifetime and find your life purpose. Once you get an understanding of what it is, Michael will support you in living your truth and embodying your life purpose.

He is a fantastic ally if you are trying to make a breakthrough in your spiritual practice. Call in Michael to raise your vibration and make progress on your life path.

How to Work With Archangel Michael

There are several ways how you can work with Michael on your spiritual journey.

Couple of simple methods are listed below:

  • Calling Upon Archangel Michael’s Protection

  • Archangel Michael’s Pillar of Light

  • Cord Cutting With Archangel Michael

  • Cleansing Your Aura With Archangel Michael

  • Cleansing the Energy of Your Home With Archangel Michael

  • Feeling Loved by Archangel Michael

Calling Upon Archangel Michael’s protection

If you are anxious about the upcoming event, like your business flight, or if you are in a state of fear, you can call upon Michael to protect you and make you feel safe and calm.

Prayers for Archangel Michael’s Protection

You can use your own words, or just use the below prayer!

“Dear Archangel Michael, thank you for wrapping me in your wings of protection. It feels so good to know I am safe.”

“Dear Archangel Michael, protect me now.”

Remember to genuinely thank Michael when you ask for his support.

If you are interested, I have created printable Archangel Prayers so you can connect with your favorite Archangels on the go! It is completely free, and you can download it here!

Free Printable Archangel Prayers for Download by Angelic Scribe

Archangel Michael’s Pillar of Light

A different way Archangel Michael’s protection manifests is through the pillar of light.

Archangel Michael's pillar of light protects you on all levels. Art by Angelic Scribe.

You can visualize the pillar of electric blue light shining upon you until you are fully covered in this light. Know that this is Archangel Michael’s protection.

Or simply ask:

“Archangel Michael, thank you for giving me your pillar of light and protecting me now.”

Cord Cutting

Cords are invisible strands of energy that connect you to other people, places, memories, and things. However, it is important to note that cords are only formed as a consequence of disbalanced energy. If you feel love, joy, happiness, gratitude towards a person, place, memory, or object, this will not form a cord. Cords are only formed out of fear, and they do not serve your highest and greatest good. Rather, cords drain your energy, and create an unnatural attachment based on lower-based vibrations of fear, anger, anxiety, sorrow, etc. this is how cords prevent you from growing and expanding spiritually and hold you back like a shackle tied to your leg.

Energy cords attach themselves to your aura, draining your energy. Art by Angelic Scribe.

You can call in Archangel Michael to cut any cords that hold you back with his sword of light.

Cords should be cut regularly because they are often reformed after some time. This is considered normal, and part of being human. This doesn’t make a person negative – it’s just the energy that’s created by a certain situation. If you have a negative reaction to something, know that a cord has been attached. If you regularly cut cords, your reaction to that specific event will hold less power over you, until you are able to let go completely.

There are two ways to cut cords, through prayer or visualization.

Visualization for Cutting the Cords

Imagine divine light all around you and invite angels to come in. This creates a safe and harmonious space for your to relax and connect with angels and Michael.

Imagine old situations, negative people, draining emotions, and harmful thoughts as ribbons of energy coming from your body.

Once you feel a presence of a cord or cords on your body, invite Archangel Michael to cut them. Imagine a handsome warrior angel coming with his sword of light and cutting these cords. You can also make sweeping hand motions as well to ‘cut’ the cords attached to your body if you have problems visualizing this in your mind. See them release into the light fully and completely.

Thank the angels and Michael for their help and return to normal awareness.

Simple Prayer for Cutting the Cords

"Dear Archangel Michael, thank you for cutting the cords that bind me to people, places, situations, and stuck or stagnant energy. Thank you for cutting all cords that no longer serve, for my highest and greatest good. And so it is."

Cleansing Your Aura

After a long day, your aura can accumulate a lot of junk energy through interacting with other people and places that have disharmonious energy. You can ask Michael to cleanse your aura for you with this simple prayer below.

“Dear Archangel Michael, thank you for cleansing my aura with your blue light. All that no longer serves me is released into the light! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Cleansing the Energy of Your Home With Archangel Michael

You can use this simple prayer to call in Michael to cleanse and uplift the vibration of your home.

“Thank you, Archangel Michael, for entering my home and shining your light that releases fear, density, stuck or stagnant energy. Thank you for releasing any earthbound or harmful entities from my home. Thank you for releasing all that no longer serves me and all who live here. I ask this according to Divine Will. And so it is!”

Feeling Loved by Archangel Michael

As mentioned above, Archangel Michael’s purpose is not only to support but also to love humanity.

If you are ever feeling unloved or abandoned, ask for Archangel Michael’s love.

Pillar of Love With Archangel Michael

Similarly to the pillar of light technique used for protection with Archangel Michael, you can visualize or call upon a pillar of love as well.

Simply say:

“Archangel Michael, thank you for giving me your pillar of love. It feels so good to know I am loved.”

If you would like to learn more about Archangel Michael’s pillars of light and love, you can check out this channeled message: Archangel Michael’s Pillar of Light and Love.


RELATED: Would you like to know how to elevate your vibration and create a sacred space? Discover Angel Invocation, and surround yourself with the powerful presence of the Archangels!

Archangel Michael is one of the Archangels holding the sacred space. Learn more in this post!

Archangel Invocation


If you would like to read more angel messages from Michael, check out the following blog posts:

Bonus! A channeled message with Archangel Michael

Dear One, this is Archangel Michael

Let me just say that we Angels as a collective force are whispers of Divine, thoughts of Divine, here to reach out to all of creation and support it as it navigates its growth and quest for self-discovery.

There are many angels specifically dedicated to supporting and loving humanity, and I Michael am their leader or manager, so to say. I am overseeing a vast host of angels that are allocated to each individual - Guardian Angels.

Guardian Angels and I are One. There is no separation between us. Think of Guardian Angels as individual stars in a galaxy. Each star is an angel. And I Michael am the galaxy, but also I am in each star. And each star is me.

So you will often hear that an angel named Michael has come to your visit. Or perhaps that your Guardian Angel’s name is Michael. This does not mean that Archangel Michael is your Guardian Angel, but rather that an angel from my host is with you now. By connecting with him, you are able to connect with me as well, but know that I encourage you, dear being, to connect with me directly. I am always available.

My purpose is to help humanity ascend! I am always here to protect you, wrap you in my loving and strong wings where you would feel safe and comforted. I am here to love you.

I am Archangel Michael, only a thought away. Call me, and I will fly to you immediately.

And so it is.


If the idea of exploring more about various Archangels excites you, you've got to see the awesome posts below!


Archangel Michael is a powerful and loving protector. He is a powerful ally, just remember to invite him in to become part of your spiritual journey.

I hope this overview of Archangel Michael was helpful to you. I would love to hear about your experience with Archangel Michael, so comment below!

With Love,

Angelic Scribe


White Plants

Angel Frequency

Have you noticed a tingling sensation?


While you have been reading this blog post, the Angels are broadcasting a frequency. 

With angelic frequency comes divine light, healing, love, compassion, ascension codes, programs, and upgrades.


To claim these blessings from the angels, you just need to be open to receive.

About the Author

Hello, dear lightworker! 

I am connecting with angels and channeling their messages to support everyone in the process of spiritual awakening. 

Hope you will find something that resonates with you on my blog. 

Celestial Angel
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