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Archangel Metatron - Angel of Ascension

The sacred geometry of Fibonacci spiral and Merkaba Star, the Metatron's Cube. Design by Angelic Scribe.

Who Is Archangel Metatron?

Archangel Metatron is a highly evolved spiritual being whose purpose involves supporting the ascension of humanity by connecting heaven to earth.

Archangel Metatron is the Archangel of Inspiration, Motivation, Miracles, and Ascension. Metatron’s name means ‘The Throne Next To The Divine’ making this angel part of the choir of thrones according to angelic hierarchy. He is also known as the ‘Angel of Life’ due to his involvement with Akashic Records.

Metatron’s aura ranges from silver, golden, violet to magenta and his light is of the highest frequency - diamond light. His communication occurs in the form of divine downloads or packed thought forms. He explains it as a computer program download or a zip file he is offering us for installation and upgrade of our spiritual power.

Quick Summary of Archangel Metatron

Name meaning: “the throne next to the divine”

Purpose: to help you to take positive action in your life, ascension

Qualities: action, inspiration, miracles

Aura: silver, golden and violet, magenta

Element: spirit

Direction: above

Energy signature: divine masculine qualities

Chakra: crown and solar plexus

Crystal: clear quartz

Your life areas: action, organization, timing, priorities, children, spiritual development

Metatron Works With Earth Angels

Many earth angels are incarnating in the now, to lead humanity to a more loving reality. Their purpose is to shatter the outdated systems that no longer serve our greater good through higher vibration and a new loving lifestyle. These kids are also known as indigo, crystal, and rainbow children, and Metatron offers his support and guidance to them directly, to empower their purpose, but also supports older generations how to lovingly accept the new age children and shifts occurring globally.

This way, Metatron creates a bridge between heaven and earth - with his human experience and angelic frequency he is helping humanity harness the new energy offered by the Universe. According to some sources, Metatron had a human experience as a prophet named Enoch. This makes him a very special exception, as most angels do not have physical incarnations and remain in spirit realms.

Boost of Inspiration With Metatron

Archangel Metatron as the Angel of Inspiration, Empowerment, and Motivation is here to assist you if you ever have trouble taking action, require some motivation to achieve your goals, or even if you don’t know where to begin - he can give you a boost of inspiration to move you in the right direction.

Akashic Records

Archangel Metatron is the overseer of Akashic Records and can help you access and navigate this Grand Library of All Creation. I wrote a detailed guide on Akashic Records that you can read here.

Book illuminated by golden light, representing the Akashic Records.

Ascension Process

One of Metatron’s tasks is to help humanity with the ascension process that would ultimately lead us to the New Age (Golden Era of Love).

Metatron supports our ascension in a multitude of ways, like cleansing our energy and infusing us with high vibrational qualities, activating our ascension pillar of light, or giving us his packed thought forms (or ascension code downloads).

Creation of the Universe

Metatron was one of the angels that were involved in process of Creation through the structure of sacred geometry.

He holds the template or the blueprint of the entirety of Creation, so if you see geometrical shapes when meditating, this is a clear sign that Metatron is with you.

As Metatron holds the blueprint of every single thing in the Universe, your blueprint among them, so he is the best angel to work with if you would like to “upgrade” the structure of your blueprint or access the higher levels of your divine template.


If you are interested, I have created printable Archangel Prayers so you can connect with your favorite Archangels on the go! It is completely free, and you can download it here!

Free Printable Archangel Prayers for Download by Angelic Scribe

Metatron’s Cube Merkaba

Sacred geometry of Merkaba Star, also known as Metatron's cube.

Metatron is often associated with one of the Divine Tools - the Merkaba Cube, also known as Metatron’s Symbol, Metatron’s Cube, or Merkaba Star.

Metatron’s Cube is a multidimensional geometric symbol made of light, spiritual fire, and frequency. It contains 13 spheres of creation and within it, the entire script of Creation - the template of all of the Universe is woven into the sacred geometry of the Cube. Merkaba Cube represents pure divine energy that is in constant action of flowing, purifying, balancing, harmonizing, and expanding in all directions. Archangel Metatron is overseeing the flow of divine energy in Merkaba.

Merkaba Meaning

The word merkaba has its roots in ancient Egyptian and can be broken down into 3 words: Mer (light), Ka (spirit), and Ba (body). When these words are combined, we get an interpretation that light illuminates the body and spirit, providing an opportunity to rise up and be transformed by the light.

Interestingly, merkabah is also a Hebrew word, meaning a “vehicle” or “chariot”. This gives an interesting meaning to Merkaba, interpreting its qualities as a vehicle for some kind of transfer. According to angelology, the throne angels (also corresponding to ophanim), are actually chariots of God, looking like spinning wheels of fire covered in eyes, that are driven by cherubs.

Merkaba’s Function

The actual purpose of Merkaba Cube has many functions. The Cube has the ability to cleanse all energy from your aura that no longer serves you, and this directly assists your ascension path. The Cube also has healing properties since it holds the sacred geometry of Creation in its form and contains high vibrational frequency. Due to its divine properties and frequency, it can be used for psychic protection as well. And when used in meditation, it also serves as a vehicle or portal into other dimensions.

How to work with Archangel Metatron

You can call Metatron for help with spiritual development and connecting with divine guidance, energy cleansing, and chakra balancing, Merkaba protection and healing, raising children, divine timing, and all things associated with awakening and ascension. Pretty cool right?

Metatron supports all those who are on the journey of self-discovery to harness their personal and spiritual power - a domain of the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus). Metatron can help you unearth how to use that power for the higher and greater good. In addition to 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus), he is also associated with 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) as he helps us connect directly with the Divine.

For example, whenever I am in the presence of Archangel Metatron, I can feel powerful tingling in my Crown Chakra.

Energy Cleanse and Chakra Balancing With Metatron

Metatron can be called upon to cleanse your being and balance your energy centers.

You can do this through meditation.

To begin, relax and focus within. Find your center.

Invite Archangel Metatron and ask him for assistance with energy cleanse and chakra balancing:

“Dear Archangel Metatron, thank you for coming in and connecting with me now. Thank you for cleansing and balancing my energy!”

Know that Metatron is with you and that you are bathed in his high vibrational light. Feel his presence.

Now imagine a golden tetrahedron star, Merkaba, above your head. It is spinning and dancing playfully above you, light coming out of it in all directions.

The Star begins to descend and touches your Crown Chakra. With Merkaba engulfing your Crown, all dense energy is cleansed and released into the Light of the Divine. Merkaba emits a frequency that fills your Crown Chakra with energy that is most needed now, restoring balance to this energy center. Your Crown Chakra is now open, cleansed, and balanced.

Merkaba descends further to your Third Eye, repeating the process, and goes to the next chakra, until all your chakras of your physical body are cleansed, unblocked and balanced.

The Star passes through your entire body, entering your feet, your hands, and each and every organ. Your entire body is being harmonized, your cells energized with divine frequency.

Feel the Merkaba Star expanding and growing in size, until it fills your entire body, and grows beyond, creating an orb of light around you.

Thank Archangel Metatron and Merkaba Cube for cleansing and harmonizing your energy.

Ground and return to normal consciousness.

Psychic Protection With Metatron

Metatron is a powerful protector against lower energies and entities, and inviting him or Merkaba Cube creates a shield of light around you.

Psychic protection can be as easy as calling Metatron for assistance:

“Dear Archangel Metatron, thank you for protecting me now!”

You can also invite Merkaba to surround your entire body in its light, serving as a high-vibrational multidimensional protective shield. The meditation above can also be used for protection!

Just intend that Merkaba not only cleanses and balances you but also protects you.


RELATED: Would you like to know how to elevate your vibration and create a sacred space? Discover Angel Invocation, and surround yourself with the powerful presence of the Archangels!

Archangel Metatron is one of the Archangels holding the sacred space. Learn more in this post!

Archangel Invocation

Healing With Merkaba

As Merkaba holds the blueprint of the entire Creation in its sacred geometry structure, its frequency can mend your divine template, healing your entire being on all levels.

Just call upon Archangel Metatron and Merkaba:

“Beloved Archangel Metatron, beloved Merkaba Star…Thank you for mending my divine blueprint and flowing healing frequency through me now.”

Remember to thank Metatron and Merkaba, and ground once you are done.

I have channeled below message from Metatron on healing properties of Merkaba.

Healing Properties of Merkaba - A Message From Metatron

Dear One, This is Metatron.

The six-pointed star in 2D and 13 sphere star Merkaba in 6D hold the template of the entire Creation encoded in its sacred geometrical design.

With this quality, all that is can be mended and healed by unlocking its template from within Merkaba.

This process is automatic when you intend to connect with the Star.

The Star is a conscious being, infused with Divine Will, and is able to align you with your highest and greatest good. When you invite the Star into your being, Merkaba unlocks your divine blueprint in its highest, most benevolent form and scans your being.

Your current template is a base, low-level template that you upgrade as you progress on your journey through divine realms of Creation throughout lifetimes.

Merkaba Star is able to see and holds in its design all versions of your template and can automatically upgrade aspects of it to a higher version. This template upgrade consequently affects all layers of your being and your most dense manifestation - the physical body.

In this way, Merkaba Star can heal you - by mending and upgrading your template in accordance with Divine Will.

Just being in the presence of Merkaba is incredibly healing due to its divine frequency.

Use this tool to transform your life and align with the most loving future for you now.

Call upon me, Metatron, at any time you require assistance on your spiritual journey. I am always available and most happy to help.

For now, I am complete.

– Archangel Metatron channeled through automatic writing.

The Ascension Pillar of Light

The Ascension Pillar is a pillar of light at the very center of your body and being that starts at the core of your spine and radiates outward, expanding all around you. It creates a beam of light all around your body (and being) shooting up towards the heavens and the center of the Universe and Source of All That Is, and down, towards the core of Gaia, Mother Earth.

This Ascension Pillar of Light anchors you to the Gaia’s core below, and flows up through all your chakras, out through the Crown Chakra, through your higher energy centers connecting you to the Divine. This way you create a bridge between heaven and earth.

Metatron can assist you in activating your Ascension Pillar of Light.


If you would like to read more angel messages from Metatron, check out the following blog posts:

Metatron's cube.

I have channeled Metatron, and in this short message, Archangel Metatron connects to tell more about how he can support you on your spiritual journey.

Bonus! A channeled message with Archangel Metatron

Dear One, this is Archangel Metatron, the Librarian.

I come with the energy of transformation to help you release and be free from the shackles of the old paradigm. So you can step fully into the New Beginning and the highest possibilities for your life.

You are welcome to call upon me any time you feel heaviness in your being that weighs you down.

I will rush in with my cube Mer-ka-ba and cleanse your energy, your body, your mind, and your spirit until you are squeaky clean.

Another way for me to assist you is to reveal the portion of your records here in Akash. The information that would most serve you to heal and uplift would be downloaded, like a computer program, and installed in your being over a period of time.

Once available, it would take some time for your spirit to learn how to use this information, this new program. During this time you may feel restless, out of place, scattered, and even tired. Rest, drink plenty of water, and ensure you get enough sleep.

For you see, your soul wanders while you are sleeping and hangs out with your guides and angels, processing the new information we just downloaded! So getting enough sleep gives your spirit enough time to unravel the package, the zip download.

Once the information is integrated, you will have a eureka (!) moment, or something will just click into place!

And this is how the magick is happening.

I Metatron, offer my assistance in accessing the Grand Library of Creation and finding the right information for you now. Know that you can ask an angel on your team for assistance as well - you have a scribe, a record keeper that transcribes your life. This angel can assist you in integrating lessons and reading the recording of your life - by doing a life review.

I Metatron, step away now with a final boost of energy of Mer-ka-ba. You are deeply loved by All of Creation.

And so it is.

–Archangel Metatron channeled by Angelic Scribe.


Hey, curious soul! If you're up for discovering more about other Archangels, these posts right here are a fantastic start!


Archangel Metatron is a must-have ally if you are working on your ascension journey.

He can assist you in accessing the Akashic Records, cleansing and balancing your energy, activating your ascension pillar of light, and navigating the shifts that come with the dawn of the New Age.

Metatron's Cube, Merkaba is a powerful tool you can call upon in your spiritual practice.

If you work with children or need support in understanding your child better, Metatron is here to help you - he assists crystal, indigo, and rainbow children in adapting to the harsh environment.

If you feel stuck in your life in general, or just need a boost of inspiration to complete a task in your work, Metatron as an Angel of Empowerment and Inspiration can put the wind in your sails and help you move forward.

White Plants

Angel Frequency

Have you noticed a tingling sensation?


While you have been reading this blog post, the Angels are broadcasting a frequency. 

With angelic frequency comes divine light, healing, love, compassion, ascension codes, programs, and upgrades.


To claim these blessings from the angels, you just need to be open to receive.

About the Author

Hello, dear lightworker! 

I am connecting with angels and channeling their messages to support everyone in the process of spiritual awakening. 

Hope you will find something that resonates with you on my blog. 

Celestial Angel
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