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Who is Archangel Chamuel? Meet the Affectionate Angel of Love and Peace

Who is Archangel Chamuel?

Let's talk about Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of Love and Peace.

Archangel Chamuel's name means "One Who Seeks God" or "He Who Sees God".

Chamuel is the embodiment of God's love and his name reflects the essence of Chamuel's being, as he perceives love in all things. His love knows no bounds, and he has the ability to see the Divine within you, assisting you in recognizing your inherent worthiness of love. With Chamuel's guidance, you can learn to love and value yourself even more deeply.

He can help you to become more loving, lovable and huggable, enabling you to experience the kind of love you truly desire in your life. When you connect with Archangel Chamuel, you will start to see yourself through the eyes of the Angels - as a radiant embodiment of pure love and beauty.

Now, let's address one common query that arises when it comes to Archangel Chamuel - what are the names of Archangel Chamuel?

You might come across different versions, such as Shemuel, Khamuel, Camniel, Camiel, Cameel, and Camael. It's understandable how this can create some uncertainty. Generally, the name is pronounced as CHAM-EE-YOU-L.

Working with the Third (Pink) Ray of Unconditional Love, Chamuel shines with a beautiful, soft pink to ruby pink aura, radiating gentle and comforting energy.

Being the Angel of Peace, Chamuel has these amazing divine powers that he uses to help you find peace within yourself and with others. It's pretty cool!

Instead of dealing with problems from a self-centered perspective, Chamuel encourages you to approach them with love and compassion.

You see, when we embody love and compassion we create real peace, both in our own lives and in the world around us. It's like spreading a ripple that has the power to make a big difference.

So, with Chamuel's guidance, you can truly become a peacemaker in your own little corner of the world.

Archangel Chamuel The Angel of Love and Peace

Quick Summary of Archangel Chamuel

  • Name meaning: “One Who Seeks God”, "He Who Sees God"

  • Purpose: help you become more loving and compassionate, be at peace with yourself

  • Qualities: unconditional love, peace

  • Aura: soft pink, ruby-pink

  • Energy signature: divine masculine and feminine qualities

  • Chakra: Sacral and Heart

  • Crystal: rose quartz, green fluorite

  • Your life areas: self-love, relationships

  • Frequency of Archangel Chamuel: 639 Hz

You can work closely with Chamuel if you would like to:

  • Foster self-love

  • Experience a certain type of love (friendly love, romantic love, filial love, playful love, erotic love…)

  • Find (new) love or friendship

  • Bring peace to relationships

  • Heal soul mate relationships

There’s no special prayer, ceremony, or ritual needed to work with Archangel Chamuel. Here are some examples of how to call upon Chamuel if you don't know how to start. Word of advice - just speak to him as you would to a friend.

Invocations for Chamuel and his energy:

Archangel Chamuel come to me now!
Dear Archangel Chamuel, thank you for wrapping me in a soft pink blanket of love!
Thank you, Archangel Chamuel, for surrounding me with a pink orb of light and love!


Archangel Chamuel - The Archangel of Love

Archangel Chamuel holds a special role as the Angel of Love.

When it comes to relationships, Chamuel is your wingman. Whether you're in the mood to attract some awesome friends, meet your soul mate, or heal and uplift your existing relationships, Chamuel has your back, no questions asked.

All you gotta do is reach out and ask for a little assistance. Just imagine a warm and gentle pink light surrounding you, cranking up the love vibes and transforming your relationships into something truly special.

Use this to transform the already existing relationships in your life- with friends, family, partners, colleagues at work, and even the relationship with yourself!

You know what's cool? Chamuel works with you by opening your heart chakra, making it easier for love to flow freely. This shifts your focus from your ego to your heart, and that's where the real magic happens.

Happiness isn't something we find outside of ourselves; Chamuel is here to remind us that it's already within us, waiting to be unleashed.

And let me tell you when it comes to love and compassion, Archangel Chamuel is absolutely amazing. Chamuel can take your relationships to a whole new level of love and liberation. Those limitations and insecurities that hold you back? Chamuel will help you conquer them and infuse more love into your life.

Got any career, family, or relationship challenges? Chamuel's got your back there too. Just ask Chamuel to release any lingering pain and sorrow from your energy. Watch as Chamuel works his magic, realigning you with Divine love, peace, and joy. It's like a power boost of positive energy that will rock your world.

With the loving support of Archangel Chamuel, your relationships can blossom and you'll experience an incredible amount of love, peace, and joy. Trust me, Chamuel's got all the right moves to make your relationships thrive.

Archangel Chamuel Love Prayer

Here are some simple relationship prayers you can use to inspire you to work with Archangel Chamuel. Use them as conversation starters. Speak to Chamuel like to a trusted friend. Remember - angels are unconditional love. They are here to support you.

Archangel Chamuel Love

Archangel Chamuel Prayer for Romantic Love

Archangel Chamuel, thank you for aligning me with romantic love!
Archangel Chamuel, thank you for surrounding my relationship with XXX in an orb of ruby-pink light!
Archangel Chamuel, thank you for raising the vibration of my relationship with XXX and bringing love to this situation XXX.

Archangel Chamuel Prayer for Self Love

Archangel Chamuel, thank you for helping me love and accept myself more.
Archangel Chamuel, thank you for reminding me that I am worthy of love!

Archangel Chamuel Prayer for True Love

Thank you Chamuel, for helping me align with love in many forms!

This is a big one, and in my humble opinion the most important prayer. You want to align with love in all its aspects and many forms it manifests in the world. This will make your entire world magickal and filled with sense of wonder!

You can also use this affirmation!

I am open to love in various forms.

This affirmation is coming from Ancient Egypt and the 42 ideals of Goddess Maat (Goddess of Truth). Isn't it just beautiful?

Here is the full list of all 42 ideals of Maat in case you are interested. There are some amazing and mind-blowing affirmations in there.

Also, I have created printable Archangel Prayers so you can connect with your favorite Archangels on the go! It is completely free, and you can download it here!

Free Printable Archangel Prayers for Download by Angelic Scribe

Send Love With Archangel Chamuel

Another important aspect of opening to love is your ability to express it. Being able to receive love is beautiful and amazing; everyone wants to experience this. Everyone likes to feel loved and pampered.

However, if you want to open your heart to love, you need to be aware of how to give love without asking for anything in return. One of the amazing ways to do this is to "send love" to someone or to a particular situation. In this post created with Archangel Chamuel, you can learn just that!

How to send love and light

Archangel Chamuel – The Archangel of Peace

Archangel Chamuel truly radiates a profound energy of peace and tranquility. When you're seeking to restore a sense of peace within yourself or create harmony in the world around you, Chamuel is the perfect companion to turn to, just like a trusted friend.

Archangel Chamuel Peace

Have you ever experienced that nagging feeling of unease or a general off-balance sensation without knowing exactly why? Well, fear not! With the help of Archangel Chamuel, you can release and dissipate this tension that lingers within your energy.

Chamuel's loving presence envelops you in a warm and comforting ruby-pink orb of light, working its magic to dissolve any lower vibrational energies that might be weighing you down.

It's like a gentle hug from a dear friend. Through this beautiful process, your vibration naturally realigns with the authentic truth of your higher self and your innate spiritual being.

By letting go of what no longer serves you, you take a significant step toward inner peace and living your life with ease. Archangel Chamuel encourages you to release any burdens or negative energies that hinder your growth and obstruct your connection with your authentic self.

With Chamuel's loving support, you can create a harmonious space within yourself and experience a profound sense of peace in your daily life.

Discover Your Life Purpose with Archangel Chamuel

Are you yearning to align more fully with your soul's purpose? Perhaps you've been contemplating a career change, seeking to uncover your life's purpose, or simply desiring to live a life filled with more joy and authenticity. In these endeavors, Archangel Chamuel is a wonderful ally.

One of Chamuel's primary roles is to help you become aware of what truly ignites your passion and brings you a deep sense of fulfillment. By connecting with Chamuel's loving energy, you can gain clarity and insight into your deepest desires and aspirations.

Chamuel reminds us that pursuing what we love and what genuinely fulfills us is an essential part of living in alignment with our life purpose. It is through engaging in activities and paths that resonate with our hearts that we discover a greater sense of meaning and fulfillment in our lives.

If you feel your life is rich in love and experiences, if you feel a deep sense of fulfillment - look no further. You have found your life purpose. Just keep going.

Archangel Chamuel life purpose

So, if you're seeking to align with your life purpose, remember to call upon Archangel Chamuel. By following the path that resonates with your heart, you can step into a life that is in harmony with your soul.

How to Recognize Archangel Chamuel

Being the Archangel of Love, Chamuel is often depicted in art with hearts! I know, completely unexpected, right? 😀

Seeing hearts in your meditation, or in everyday life can be a sign from Archangel Chamuel, so pay attention!

Archangel Chamuel Hearts

One unmistakable sign of Archangel Chamuel's presence is seeing pink orbs of light or the pink objects in your surroundings.

Pink represents the color of Chamuel's aura and energy, enveloping you in a warm and affectionate hug. Think of it as Archangel Chamuel wrapping you in a warm pink fluffy blanket, spreading a sense of tenderness and care.

Just being in the presence of Archangel Chamuel feels incredibly calming and peaceful. It's like a wave of tranquility washes over you.

And you won't believe this, but when you're close to Chamuel, you might actually feel a shift in your own energy. Any tension or anxiety you've been carrying around just seems to melt away, leaving you with this amazing sense of peace.

Chamuel and the Pink Light Ray

Archangel Chamuel is known for holding the Pink Ray, which encompasses the realms of relationships and higher emotions.

Its energy is an equal combination of the Red Ray, representing spiritual devotion through helping others, and the White Ray, symbolizing spiritual evolution and enlightenment.

The Pink Ray of Archangel Chamuel stimulates the expansion of our heart chakra, allowing us to both give and receive unconditional love.

Isn't that beautiful? It encourages us to share our deepest thoughts and emotions within loving and caring relationships. So, it's all about spreading love and creating meaningful connections.

Just imagine the impact of this loving, positive, and uplifting energy in your life! It works wonders for your self-confidence and self-respect, boosting your inner happiness and even helping you develop your unique talents and skills.

And you know what? The Pink Ray also promotes tolerance, both towards ourselves and others. It's like a warm embrace that brings us comfort and relief from stress. It's truly amazing how this pink energy can make such a difference!

pink heart

Did you know that Archangel Chamuel is not the only Angel working with the Pink Ray? Archangel Orion is the keeper of Pink Ray as well! You can learn more about Archangel Orion in this post. He is really cool - he is an ascended lightbeing of the cosmos!

Archangel Orion Angel of Oneness and Cosmos

Meditation with Archangel Chamuel

Find a nice and cozy spot where you can unwind and focus within.

Breathe deeply. Take a deep breath and let go of any troubles or events from your day.

Imagine a soft, glowing light enveloping the entire room. Picture it in a gentle shade of pink, radiating warmth and comfort.

If you feel any tension in your body, imagine the pink light massaging your muscles, helping you relax and release any stiffness.

As you sink deeper into the soothing pink light, set your intention to connect with Archangel Chamuel.

Notice how the pink light intensifies and transforms into a beautiful ruby-pink hue, with golden sparkles filling the room. This radiant light wraps around you like a soft blanket of love.

Allow this loving energy to flow through your entire body, like a gentle kiss on your forehead and eyelids. Imagine it cascading down from the top of your head, all the way to your toes.

Now, you are completely surrounded by a shimmering orb of pink light. This is the light of Archangel Chamuel.

Know that he is with you now. Feel his presence all around you. Feel the love Archangel Chamuel has for you.

Feel his presence embracing you. Take a moment to imagine how Archangel Chamuel looks like. Does he take the form of a person or a radiant energy?

Notice that there is special significance in the way Archangel Chamuel chose to reveal himself to you.

As Archangel Chamuel steps closer, his ruby heart shines brightly, overflowing with love. He transfers this healing light from his heart to yours, filling you with a profound sense of peace and wholeness. His light is healing and all-encompassing.

Archangel Chamuel has a message for you. Listen carefully or tune into the feelings and insights that come to you. He wants you to know that you are deserving of love in all its forms. Embrace and accept yourself fully and completely.

Now repeat these affirmations three times:

I deserve love in many forms.

I accept myself fully and completely.

I deserve love in many forms.

I accept myself fully and completely.

I deserve love in many forms.

I accept myself fully and completely.

As Archangel Chamuel gently sends a final pulse of pink-ruby light, he takes a step back.

Slowly bring your awareness back to your body. Wiggle your fingers and toes gently. Slowly open your eyes and become aware of the room you are in.

To ground yourself, take a refreshing sip of water after this beautiful connection with the angelic realm.

How did you feel after connecting with Archangel Chamuel? Share your experience below!

Meditation with Archangel Chamuel

By the way, if you would like to know more about the angel attunement process, you can read about it here! 9 Easy Steps to Connect With Your Angels.


Channeled Message! How to Align With Love in Your Life?

In this channeled message, Archangel Chamuel steps forward to teach how to align with love in many forms - loving relationships, friends, partners, and experiences!

Dear Being, this is Archangel Chamuel.

To receive more love in your life, you first need to give. The universe is just a reflection of your inner state of being. If you wish to see more love in your external world, your internal state of being must become more loving.

Start with yourself. Do you love yourself? Are you kind to yourself? This is how others will treat you.

Are you expecting to be loved but do not love first? You will not receive love in that case.

First, become more loving. Affirm that you love yourself. Affirm that you are loving. Affirm that you are loved.

This raises your vibration and aligns you with love. You need to broadcast a frequency that attracts loving energy.

So to start with, invite the golden divine light with loving qualities and bathe in this light. Let it soak you from head to toe. Inhale this light. Allow this light in and allow it to remove any blockages made of fear. Allow this light to gently fill your mind and uplift your thoughts. Let it reprogram the way you think and perceive this world.

Like I said before, the world only acts as a mirror.

If you see it as a hostile place, it becomes one. If you see it as a kind, gentle place, it is one.

So fill your mind with loving thoughts. Cast a loving gaze at anything you see. This is how you reprogram yourself and how you allow more love in. And now you start to attract loving experiences. Loving people, your soul tribe.

Start within. Shine light upon all aspects of yourself that wallow in darkness. And you will align with love!

This is Archangel Chamuel. You are so deeply loved… And so it is!

– Archangel Chamuel channeled by Angelic Scribe


If you would like to learn more about other Archangels you can check out the below posts!


To conclude, Archangel Chamuel serves as a powerful Divine embodiment of unconditional love and peace.

Through his divine presence, Chamuel can truly transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you. By calling upon Chamuel, you open yourself up to a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation, finding greater peace within and aligning with your life's purpose.

Chamuel's loving energy can guide you towards manifesting more loving people and positive circumstances in your life, fostering deep connections and creating a harmonious existence.

May you find peace, purpose, and an abundance of love on your life journey - And remember to call upon Archangel Chamuel!

Now over to you! How did your life change once discovering Archangel Chamuel and working with him? Let me know in the comments below!

White Plants

Angel Frequency

Have you noticed a tingling sensation?


While you have been reading this blog post, the Angels are broadcasting a frequency. 

With angelic frequency comes divine light, healing, love, compassion, ascension codes, programs, and upgrades.


To claim these blessings from the angels, you just need to be open to receive.

About the Author

Hello, dear lightworker! 

I am connecting with angels and channeling their messages to support everyone in the process of spiritual awakening. 

Hope you will find something that resonates with you on my blog. 

Celestial Angel
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