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How to Send Love and Light With Help From Your Angels

How to send Love and Light with Help from your Angels. Art by Angelic Scribe

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In spiritual communities, you can often see something like:

“Sending Love and Light!” ✨

“Sending lots of sparkly light!” 🌟

Or sometimes simply “sending!”

So what do those people even mean when they say “Love and Light”?

In short, “Love and Light” is used as a form of greeting or farewell similar to Wiccans saying “Blessed be”. The meaning behind the words Love & Light is the unconditional love and high-vibrational light of Source that we are offering to someone as a blessing.

One of the most life-changing spiritual practices you can learn and master is how to send love and light to someone else.

This is powerful lightwork that can be used as a loving extension of actual support you can offer another in the physical world.

If someone you love and care about is in a dark place, struggling with issues, encountering obstacles - in addition to actually trying to help them, you can also send them love and light.

Sending love and light helps the person align with higher possibilities available to them, as they just received a boost of high-vibrational energy through you from the Source of All That Is. This loving energy helps them overcome challenges they may be facing and move forward in the right direction.

What Does Sending Love and Light Mean?

The process of sending love and light includes sending a wave of the high vibrational energy of loving intentions to another person or a situation.

This can be accomplished through prayer, meditation practice, an altered state of consciousness, or simply through the power of positive intentions and thoughts.

benefits of sending love and light

What Are the Benefits of Sending Love and Light?

Benefits for the person receiving love and light:

  • Receiving high vibrational energy in form of light and love

  • Raising their vibration

  • Receiving energy healing

  • Helping them transmute lower vibrations

  • Long-term alignment with better opportunities in the field of infinite possibilities

Benefits for the sender:

  • Filling with high vibrational energy

  • Raising their vibration

  • Passive activation of the Ascension Column of Light

  • Accelerating their spiritual growth and progressing the spiritual awakening

  • Receiving blessings through the energy ripple

  • Strengthening the bond with the Universe

In addition, sending love and light creates a ripple effect of positive vibration, that raises the collective vibration of human consciousness, raises your vibration, and the vibration of the person you sent love to.

My sensei, Melanie Beckler, states that even if you send love to just one person, this can have a positive ripple effect on many. She says:

"Anchoring in light and holding the space for blessings and positive outcomes plays an important role in raising the vibration of society as a whole… One person choosing love and peace at a time is truly what can create positive change on a global scale."

This lightwork helps you accelerate your spiritual growth because the technique opens and balances your chakras, and unites them in one Pillar of Light. This Pillar strengthens your connection to the Universe, the Source of All That Is, making you more aware of the interconnectedness of all beings and Oneness.

Your ascension pillar of light.

How do You Send Love Energy to Someone Far Away?

So you are probably asking yourself - how can you send love to someone, if that someone is in another part of the world? Don’t you need to be close to the person to extend love?

The truth is, we are all connected, even if we seem to be separated by distance.

According to sacred geometry, there is a web of life connecting all of Creation, like a divine matrix, and through this web, you are connected to all things, and in turn, all is connected back to you. The symbol representing this connection is the Flower of Life, showing the interconnection of all things, and tracing their origin back to one single Source.

the flower of life and sending love and light.

You can use this web in your lightwork to send love and light to another that is far away physically - because in spirit, you are connected, and there is no separation between you.

How do You Send Love and Light?

You can only send love and light if you are currently overflowing with positive energy - you basically need to fill your cup first before you can fill someone else's.

If you are in a state of low vibration, you are not able to send love, you will just drain yourself further by distributing your life energy - and you do not want to be doing that.

So crucial part of this process is raising your vibration first so that you can share the extra that is overflowing.

You can use a meditation process and the power of visualization and positive intentions to send love and light.

how to send light and love? a simple meditation

1. Raising Your Vibration First

To begin, find a quiet place where you can relax and not be interrupted.

Find your center and take a few deep breaths as you close your eyes and start shifting your awareness within.

You will now invoke divine white light all around you - by visualizing it or inviting it directly:

"Divine White Light, surround me now."

White light is loving and creates a sacred space where you are protected on a psychic level and can focus on lightwork.

Imagine an orb of golden light above your head. It shines brightly like the Sun. The orb begins to descend end enters your Crown Chakra.

The orb continues down and fills your Third Eye Chakra with golden light before proceeding to your throat. Now your Throat Chakra is illuminated with this golden orb.

The orb continues to move down, all the way to your Heart Chakra. Your heart is now filled with golden light, like a chalice, and overflows.

The orb now moves to your Solar Plexus, coloring it bright gold. It moves to your Sacral Chakra, filling it with light.

It descends further down to the base of your body and your Root Chakra.

Your entire body is bathed in golden light and illuminated from within with this orb.

2. Grounding

You will now ground and pull the energy from the Earth.

Imagine that the golden orb continues to move further down, down your legs, through the bottom of your feet, and down all the way to the very center of the Earth. Your awareness travels with this orb of light.

You can imagine that the orb is like a lift that transported you to the core of the Earth. Or you can simply imagine that roots began to grow from the soles of your feet, all the way down to the center of the Earth.

You are now grounded and are connected to the Core of Gaia. The light from above, descends down through your chakras and merges with the Earth.

3. Filling Yourself With Light Even More

And light of the Earth now starts to move up - from the core, through your roots, climbing up into your soles, through your legs.

Entering your Root, your Sacral Chakra. Moving up your Solar Plexus into your Heart, filling you up with more light.

Light from the earth moves up, to your Thorat, to your Third Eye, and into your Crown.

You are soo filled with light that you are shining like a star.

4. Sending Love and Light to Another

Your cup is now full, and you can overflow and send love and light to another.

If you’d like, you can ask your team of angels to help you in sending love and light to a specific person.

Imagine in your head the person you wish to send love and light.

And now imagine that from your heart you begin to create an orb of light - use your imagination and start filling this orb with light from your heart. You can also ask the angels to help fill the orb.

The orb grows bigger and brighter - but your glow is unchanged - you are still overflowing.

When you see the orb shining brightly - the orb is filled with love and light.

Now imagine that this orb starts to travel and finds the person you are focusing on - and it merges with their heart!

Now visualize the light from the orb starting to spread through their body - from the heart to their belly, to their hands and legs, to their head. Imagine that they start glowing too! Filled with light and love you sent!

You can also imagine that the person is smiling joyfully, feeling happy and loved. The power of positive intentions can be truly amazing. See the person through the eyes of love, the same way the angels see them - as a perfect little divine being. See them overcoming any obstacles and resolving the problems they are facing with ease and grace.

Congratulations, you have just successfully sent love and light to another.

5. Disconnecting and Grounding

But you are not done yet. You need to disconnect, and ground once more.

First, you will imagine that a golden shower is pouring on you now - this shower cleans your vibes and ensures that you did not pick up any energy from the person you sent love to.

Once you feel the shower is done, you can focus on your body. Feel your head, your face, and the clothes you are wearing. Feel the earth beneath your feet. Fell the roots from the soles of your feet digging into the core of the earth.

You are now grounded once more and you can return to normal consciousness.

After such lightwork, it is always good to drink a glass of water or eat a morsel. Drinking water, and eating food helps you ground further and become fully present in the now.

The shift may be instant but usually it takes some time to see the benefits of sending light and love - due to the ripple effect in the web of life.

6. A Quick Summary of the Process

I will sum up the process in short bullet points.

Sending love and light:

  • Raising your vibration with a golden orb of light

  • Grounding the first time

  • Pulling the energy from the earth below and sky above until you are filled with light

    • Angel team invocation, if you feel like it

  • Sending the overflow through an orb of light to another

    • Asking angels for assistance, if you feel like it

  • Separating your energy from another with a golden shower of light

  • Grounding the second time

I have channeled a message with Archangel Chamuel where he shares a slightly different process you can use to send love.

Only your imagination is the limit to how this should be done! Feel free to experiment and find your own process.

Sending love & light with Archangel Chamuel. A channeled message.

A Channeled Message With Archangel Chamuel on Sending Love and Light

Dear One, this is Archangel Chamuel.

Let me teach you a simple process that has the potential to change your world.

How to give and send love.

Know that love has infinite potential, and as energy, is limitless and available in endless supply.

The very fabric of Creation is Love.

So you ask, why is your world so unlike love? Your world exists in a reality of duality - black and white, right and wrong, love and fear. But duality is a lower manifestation of physical reality and can be transcended - with and through love.

So to begin, relax.

Know that you can only send love to another if you are overflowing with love.

If your cup is empty, you are unable to send love, rather you reach out to another with your lifeforce energy and attach a cord - which we explained earlier - does not serve you or anyone else.

So we first need to fill you up with love until you are overflowing!

I Chamuel, am happy to assist, so please call upon me whenever you wish to be filled with love - just say:

"Dear Archangel Chamuel, please fill me with love until I am overflowing!"

Now relax and breathe deeply.

Imagine a pink-ruby light, a pink-ruby mist all around you.

Now start breathing in this light.

Breathe in and the light enters your belly. Hold the breath and it activates! It aligns with your frequency.

When you breathe out, the light distributes to every corner of your being, every cell, and space between cells.

Continue breathing until you feel the pink-ruby light has touched every part of your body, from head to toe.

Now see yourself glowing a bright ruby pink.

You have become a source of light now.

Now think of a person you wish to send love to. Imagine them in your head. How they look like, how they speak. Imagine what they are doing right now.

This creates a connection from your heart to theirs.

Now imagine that you are standing right next to them, shining like a pink star! Your light illuminates the room they are in, illuminates them.

Imagine that they slowly start glowing and filling with light.

Notice that your glow remains unchanged. Your light is stable.

And in the end, the person next to you is glowing as brightly as you are!

You have successfully sent love to another person.

You can use this technique to send love to situations, places, groups of people, your pet.

You can use it to improve a relationship you have with another, to break the barrier of fear and separation.

Know that every time you send love to another, the universe gives blessings to you ten-fold!

Loving another is a blessing in itself, and sending it out into the world creates a ripple in the fabric of creation. This ripple multiplies, and in the end, returns to you as love! But much stronger love, much greater love. Returns as love of Creator, Mother-Father-God, and love of all like-minded beings.

So send love to another, and you will receive love in turn.

This is Archangel Chamuel. And you are so deeply loved.

– Chamuel channeled by Angelic Scribe

Note: Archangel Chamuel’s light is bright ruby pink.

How to quickly send love and light with your angels

How to Quickly Send Love and Light With Your Angels

What if you need to quickly send love and light to someone, and you are not in a place where you can get into a meditative state and do all the steps from above?

In such situations where time is of the essence, you can turn to prayer and ask your angels to support you in sending love and light:

"Dear Angels of mine and Person X, thank you for wrapping Person X in your loving wings of love, and filling them with light until they are shining brightly like a star!
"For the highest and greatest good! And so it is."

Trust that it is done. The angels are on their way, happy to assist, as always.

If you have a moment, you can add a bonus visualization:

  • Imagine the person is shining brightly

  • They are smiling, feeling happy, and content

And so it is! Quite simple and straightforward, right?

Bonus technique! Ask Archangel Michael to provide his Pillar of Light and Love to the person you wish to send love to.

You can learn more about Michael’s Pillars and see the detailed process in this post here.

pillar of light and love with Archangel Michael


Sending love and light is a powerful lightwork that is basically an extension of caring for another.

You can use a simple prayer or a more complex process of meditation with visualization to send love to another.

The process creates a ripple effect, helping the person you sent love to and also benefiting you and all that is.

As the Angels always like to say, we are all connected together as One.

If you tried my meditation process to send love or the visualization with Archangel Chamuel, let me know how you liked it!

With Love and Blessings,

Angelic Scribe


White Plants

Angel Frequency

Have you noticed a tingling sensation?


While you have been reading this blog post, the Angels are broadcasting a frequency. 

With angelic frequency comes divine light, healing, love, compassion, ascension codes, programs, and upgrades.


To claim these blessings from the angels, you just need to be open to receive.

About the Author

Hello, dear lightworker! 

I am connecting with angels and channeling their messages to support everyone in the process of spiritual awakening. 

Hope you will find something that resonates with you on my blog. 

Celestial Angel
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