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Celestial Companion: Understanding the Purpose of Your Guardian Angel

Imagine having an eternal companion, a celestial sidekick who has been with you since the moment your soul came into existence.

Intriguing, isn't it? This benevolent companion is your guardian angel, your soul mate across lifetimes.

When your soul was formed, so was your guardian angel! You see, you have an unbreakable bond with your guardian angel that transcends the boundaries of the physical world.

But did you know that your guardian angel has a distinct and profound role in your life? Their purpose extends beyond mere protection; it's a mission rooted in your growth, comfort, and spiritual journey.

Believe it or not, you are your guardian angel's purpose.

You read that right - YOU are their reason for being.

Your guardian angel has 4 key ways how they support you:

  • Loving you unconditionally

  • Providing guidance

  • Offering protection

  • Comforting you

Have you ever wondered how guardian angels accomplish their unique purpose? How does their presence reflect on your life, and how can it enhance your journey?

In this post, I will deep dive into the guardian angel's role and how it reflects on you.

If you would like to learn more about guardian angels in general, check out this post I wrote about them: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Your Guardian Angel.

Before we start, here is the short message I channeled about guardian angels:

Each person has a guardian angel to always be loved and supported through challenges, regardless of where they are now. Angel’s love is unconditional, the perfect love of Source. There is no judgment, there is no comparison. Only love and understanding.
And this is the purpose of a guardian angel - to love and support one being unconditionally for all times. Each thing in this universe has an angel that loves it.

– Angels of Love and Light channeled by Alex

Let's dive right in!

Guardian angel's purpose. Angelic Scribe.


Guardian Angel Loves You

Your Guardian Angel loves you unconditionally.

Their love is like a warm, gentle but firm hug. It's a special kind of love – the purest divine love which is all encompassing.

But what's truly amazing? Your guardian angel adores you just the way you are. To them, you're already perfect and whole. They see you as your best possible version – as your higher self.

They hold onto this vision of you, whole and perfect, every single moment. By doing this, they're helping you embrace yourself and find your inner wholeness.

Your celestial buddy will always love you and accept you no matter the circumstances.

The one Angel that is always with you - your Beloved and One Who Deeply Loves You - is your appointed Guardian Angel, for all Eternity.
So know, dear one - you are always loved. For Eternity you are loved with Devotion and Light burning brightly like thousand suns.

Now, how does your guardian angel know what the perfect and whole version of you looks like?

Here's the secret: your guardian angel has a special mission. They're the keepers of your Divine Blueprint.

Guardian Angel Holds Your Divine Blueprint

So what is your divine blueprint anyway?

The divine blueprint is a unique set of light codes that define your soul's divine plan.

Your soul has a very unique goal she would like to accomplish which is rooted in growth, expansion, and love.

This special blueprint also carries the blueprint of your life's purpose, chosen when you decide to step into life on Earth.

Imagine it as a customized guidebook tailored just for you.

This cosmic document contains your one-of-a-kind personality traits, qualities, gifts, and talents. Moreover, it specifies the very foundations of your life - your family dynamics, thought patterns, emotions, and beliefs.

Divine blueprint documents all information about your soul's journey through spirit and physical realms.

Remember this: no two blueprints are alike. Yours is a singular masterpiece, meant for your eyes only.

Here's the exciting part: embracing your divine blueprint leads you on a journey towards your best self. The highest version of yourself.

Your guardian angel acts as the keeper of this blueprint. They're your guide, helping you navigate towards your full potential.

When your life aligns with this blueprint, you're living authentically.

Following your soul's rhythm and heeding your guardian's advice puts you in harmony with your life's purpose. This alignment ushers in abundance, joy, fulfillment, and love. You flow through life's challenges with ease.

However, straying from this course might leave you feeling stuck or stagnant, disconnected, or seeking more.

Don't worry; your celestial pal is by your side. They'll drop signs, gentle hints from the universe, to guide you back to your intended path.

So, now you've got a grasp on your Divine Blueprint. Let's delve into how your guardian angel teams up with you to achieve your life's purpose.

Guardian Angel Helps You Achieve Your Life's Purpose

One of the crucial roles of your guardian angel is to guide you toward fulfilling your life's purpose.

Your soul yearned to experience a certain way of being.

Your soul chatted with your guardian angel, and together with a team of other spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters, you created a plan.

End result? You designed the blueprint for your current physical life!

Picture this like concocting a special recipe for life. A sprinkle of sugar, a dash of spice, all things nice, and a bit of glitter for good measure. You mix these secret ingredients with enthusiasm and voilà — your soul's new adventure is set in motion!

Your soul creates your life's purpose. It is like mixing sugar, spice and all things nice. Angelic Scribe.

And within this adventure lies a distinctive life's purpose.

Every time your soul initiates a new incarnation, you create a new life purpose for yourself.

Your guardian angel is here to help you embrace and achieve the life's purpose your soul longed to experience.

Here's a nugget of wisdom from my own guardian angel:

Life's purpose is not doing (something). Rather it is being (feeling, or experiencing).

Let me elaborate on that.

Life's purpose isn't a checklist. It's more about how you want to feel or what experiences you want to relish. It's about embodying a certain way of being.

What does your soul crave?

Is it the thrill of courage, the zest of adventure, or the warmth of encouragement? Perhaps playfulness, success, or healing? Perhaps your soul would like to experience all those things - but in different areas of your life.

Now, to feel or experience a certain state of being, you usually need specific action - but you can accomplish that in many ways.

Your education, job, upbringing, or surroundings don't define your limits.

You could be living your life's purpose while enjoying your hobbies, exploring new places, or sharing a cup of tea with friends.

Everyday acts of kindness and love - these can be your journey to embodying that desired state of being.

Souls are very sensible beings - they value the journey far more than the destination itself.

Life's purpose is usually something so simple, something your mind might easily overlook. But most importantly, your life's purpose feels as natural as breathing.

And your angelic chum is here to nudge you, remind you of your life's purpose, and guide you on how to start living it.

Guardian Angel Has Encoded Your Life's Purpose Into Their Being

Your guardian angel is a delightful orb of multicolored light.

Various colors radiate from the center outward visible as distinct layers or zones. This colorful winged chum holds the key to unlocking your unique traits and strengths across all aspects of your existence.

Your guardian angel has your life's purpose encoded into their very essence.

Imagine your guardian angel as a dynamic orb of energy, each colored layer representing a distinct facet of your being.

Guardian angel's purpose. Guardian Angels are a multicolored orbs of energy. Angelic Scribe.

Every area of your life — your character, relationships, career, creativity, and more — is encoded as a vibration.

And within each layer, a specific frequency, a hue of vibrant color, resonates, symbolizing your individual strengths and attributes in that realm.

It's fascinating that you can possess entirely distinct strengths in different areas of your life.

Your guardian angel acts as a bridge between these qualities and you. They radiate these energies towards you, empowering you to embrace your potential fully.

In every moment, your guardian angel is radiating the frequency of your unique strengths with the hope you will recognize them and express them.

What your actual life purpose is and how to discover it - that my friend is a completely different topic worthy of its own post (or several actually). More on that later!

Guardian Angel Offers Guidance

Another important part of your guardian angel's purpose is to guide you toward your destined path.

But what does this guidance look like? Imagine your guardian angel as your personal cosmic GPS, always steering you toward your highest and greatest good.

Your guardian angel guides you in the following ways:

  • Bringing New Opportunities: Your celestial companion opens doors to fresh opportunities, enriching your life's journey.

  • Creating Synchronicities: Those delightful moments when events seem to magically fall into place? That's your guardian angel orchestrating synchronicities.

  • Timing and Circumstance: Have you ever found yourself in just the right place at just the right time? Your guardian angel's gentle nudges ensure you're exactly where you need to be, doing the right thing.

  • Connecting with Supportive Souls: Whether it's mentors, friends, or collaborators, your guardian angel brings the right people into your life, those who align with your life's purpose.

  • Revealing Deeper Wisdom: Life's lessons hold profound meanings. Your guardian angel acts as your interpreter, guiding you to understand the deeper significance behind these experiences.

  • Welcoming Universal Blessings: Those unexpected moments of grace and favor? Your guardian angel facilitates the flow of beautiful blessings from the universe.

Your guardian angel's guidance serves as the roadmap to fulfilling your life's purpose as per your divine blueprint. This way you live your best possible life.

Picture this: your guardian angel plants a gentle thought in your mind or sends you a sign, a wink from the universe to illuminate your next steps.

As you achieve one milestone, your celestial companion reveals the next step, like a series of stepping stones leading you along your journey.

Guardian angel's purpose. Guardian angel signs and synchronicities. Angel breadcrumbs. Angelic Scribe.

I like to call this trail of signs angel breadcrumbs. As long as you follow the trail left by your guardian angel you will not lose your way.

So, how does your guardian angel guide you? Let's dive into the ways they bring synchronicities and opportunities into your life.

Ever found yourself in the right place at the right time, doing exactly what you needed to do? That's your guardian angel's gentle nudge, ensuring you're where you're meant to be.

Oh, and the people you meet? Your celestial companion has a knack for orchestrating these encounters. They ensure you cross paths with the right individuals who will support your journey.

Have you ever pondered the deeper meanings behind life's lessons? Your guardian angel is helping you decode these valuable insights.

And let's not forget the beautiful blessings that the universe has in store for you. Your guardian angel is facilitating the flow of these blessings into your life.

For example, let's imagine you've been nurturing a passion for painting, but never made the time for it, or thought you have no actual talent.

Suddenly, you stumble upon a local art exhibition, an event you hadn't planned on attending. The experience fills you with inspiration, and you connect with fellow artists who share your vision.

This synchronistic encounter, carefully guided by your guardian angel, gives you the confidence to try painting for the first time!

And you realize that this activity brings you joy and a sense of freedom where you can express yourself fully and completely. And this is exactly what your soul wanted to experience!

Guardian Angel Protects You

Protection is a "traditional" and perhaps the most familiar role your guardian angel embodies.

Their safeguarding extends across all levels – your physical body, your mind, and your spirit.

As you've embarked on a unique journey here, your winged buddy ensures you won't depart until your time aligns with destiny.

These are moments of grace, times when your guardian angel can step in without your knowledge or consent.

How does your guardian angel protect you?

Here's a glimpse: Imagine you're walking alone at night, and an unexpected breeze whispers caution, prompting you to choose a safer path.

This happened to me once - I'm cruising along, minding my business on the road. Suddenly, a calm and reassuring thought pops into my mind - switch lanes.

In just a few moments, a tired bus driver joins the road I'm on. Exhaustion casts a shadow on their awareness, and guess who could've been missed? My little car, silently zipping along.

But here's the twist of fate: My trusty guardian angel's nudge led me to a different lane, and I found myself gliding safely elsewhere.

This little tale etches into my memory, reminding me of the unseen celestial orchestra that plays around us.

So, the next time you hear that quiet whisper nudging you to do something different, LISTEN TO THE GUIDANCE. You'll notice that you'll find yourself in trouble less often.

Furthermore, your guardian angel doesn't solely stand as a sentinel. They're your cosmic confidant in energy matters too.

You see, apart from ensuring your safety to fulfill your purpose, they're more than happy to work together with you. With your invitation and permission, your guardian angel can clear and shield your energy.

Remember that angels honor your free will and cannot act without your permission.

Imagine this as an open invitation for them to join forces, like a shimmering barrier that keeps negativity at bay.

So, keep in mind that protection is just part of who they are. Looking after your energy balance is a partnership between you and your winged pal.

Guardian Angel Aura Cleanse

Picture this: you step through the door after a long, exhausting day at work. Everyone seems to want your attention these days, leaving you drained.

To make matters worse, even though the day has ended, thoughts of work linger, replaying the challenges and stressors in your mind.

Sound familiar? Well, my friend, it's a clear sign that an aura cleanse is in order.

The good news is, your guardian angel is right there, waiting for you to reach out and ask for their help.

An aura cleanse is like a reset button for your energy. It has the power to:

  • Clear away the energy imprints of others that have stuck to your aura.

  • Dissolve the weight of lower vibrations that might be clinging to your energy.

  • Mend and restore any weak spots or gaps in your energy field.

  • Elevate and revitalize your energy, leaving you refreshed and renewed.

guardian angel aura cleanse. angelic scribe.

So, if you're ready to let go of the day's stresses and reclaim your energy, it's time to connect with your guardian angel!

Find a quiet place, softly close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. With each inhale and exhale, let a sense of calm wash over your thoughts.

Now, invite a gentle stream of divine white light to wrap around you. This lifts both your energy and that of your surroundings, releasing any lingering negativity.

Bathe in the soothing, yet powerful radiance of this divine light.

As you feel the air clearing, extend a warm invitation to your guardian angel. Simply think or say:

Guardian Angel, be with me now.

Ask your guardian angel to embrace you with their energy. Visualize them gently hovering above your head, resembling an orb of comforting energy.

At the core of your guardian angel resides pure, radiant white light. Ask them to let this light flow from their heart center, cleansing your aura and energy.

Imagine, sense, feel, or simply know that your guardian angel's light is embracing you, akin to the gentle warmth of the sun.

Feel the light delicately caressing your aura, dissolving anything that no longer serves you.

As the light touches your energy, sense the release of external influences, anxiety, and worries.

Notice how your entire aura becomes infused with your guardian angel's light, rejuvenating your energy.

Any gaps, tears, or weaknesses in your aura are now being nurtured and mended by your guardian angel's healing touch.

As you conclude this connection with your celestial friend, gradually return your awareness to your physical body.

Gently recenter your focus on your body, feeling your feet firmly planted on the ground, grounding you in the present moment.

Guardian Angel's Orb of Protection

To invoke your guardian angel's protection, you can simply ask them for their help. Picture them wrapping you in a cozy, glowing cocoon of light that keeps harm at bay.

This guardian angel's orb of protection serves as your energetic fortress, offering you a variety of benefits:

  • Elevated Vibration: As you're enveloped by this radiant light, your energy vibration naturally rises, making you less susceptible to negativity.

  • Energy Shield: The cocoon acts as an energy shield, preventing external energies from intruding upon your aura.

  • Cord Dissolution: Any energy cords that might try to attach to you are effortlessly dissolved by this protective light.

  • Defense Against Draining Energies: It keeps draining and harmful energies at bay, allowing you to maintain your vitality and positivity.

Let's see how you can create this orb of protection with the help of your guardian angel!

Find a peaceful nook, gently close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Let each inhale and exhale calm your thoughts.

Next, invite a stream of divine white light to envelop you. This elevates your vibration, releasing any negative energies lingering around you.

Bask in the gentle, yet powerful glow of this divine light.

Once you sense the air clearing, extend an invitation to your guardian angel. Simply think or say:

Guardian Angel, come to me now.

Ask your guardian angel to surround you with their energy.

Ask them to create an orb of light all around you. Tell your guardian angel how long you would like this orb to stay around you.

I suggest asking your guardian angel to keep the orb active during the day and throughout the night when you sleep.

Feel the reassuring energy enveloping you, the beautiful presence of your guardian angel.

guardian angel orb of protection. Angelic Scribe.

Once you are done bonding with your winged chum, slowly return to your body.

Gently shift your focus back to your body - feel your feet on the ground, anchoring you to the present moment.

With a renewed sense of security, open your eyes, and continue your day, assured that your guardian angel's watchful care is by your side.

For best results, make sure to do the aura cleanse before using the orb of protection. This way, you'll give your energy a nice refresh, making it free from any outside stuff.

When you apply the orb of protection, you are wrapping the goodness and light more tightly around you.

Imagine it as slipping into clean, comfy pyjamas.

Now, using the orb without doing the cleanse first? Well, that's a bit like wearing a clean shirt after not taking a shower for a whole year. Ewww.

If you would like to learn different ways to apply psychic protection, look no further! All is covered in this post: How to Apply Psychic Protection (+ Angelic Protection Explained!)

How to apply psychic protection + angelic protection explained. Angelic Scribe.

Guardian Angel Provides Comfort

Your guardian angel provides comfort when you request it.

One of their heartwarming roles is to wrap you in a cozy blanket of comfort, love, and healing during the toughest times.

Imagine your guardian angel as a dear friend, always there to offer a listening ear and a warm embrace. Their presence is like a soothing hug, easing your worries and bringing a sense of calm.

During moments of self-doubt or hardship, your guardian angel gently nudges you to be kinder to yourself. They encourage you to embrace the beautiful mess that you are and to let go of self-judgment.

Ever caught yourself ruminating on past mistakes, wishing you had a time machine? Your guardian angel steps in as a gentle guide, helping you forgive yourself and let go of regret.

They remind you that growth comes from learning, not from dwelling on the past.

Your guardian angel reminds you not to be too hard on yourself. They encourage you to approach life with a sense of humor and a willingness to learn from your experiences.

Your guardian angel's unconditional love reminds you that you are enough, just as you are. They stand by your side, urging you to embrace your quirks and imperfections as part of what makes you uniquely wonderful.

In times of darkness, your celestial friend's comforting presence becomes a beacon of light. They whisper to your heart that you're never alone, even when the world feels heavy.

There are different ways angels provide comfort. One way is to request the Pillar of Light and Love. You can learn more about it here!

Archangel Michael Pillar of Light and Love. Angelic Scribe.


Your guardian angel's purpose is multifaceted.

They hold the unique blueprint of your soul, nurturing your growth and guiding you toward your life's purpose—one step, one sign at a time.

Your guardian angel will leave a trail of signs and synchronicities on your path to steer you in the right direction.

They are your vigilant protectors - keeping harm at bay to help you achieve your purpose. You can also ask your guardian angel for additional protection in the form of an aura cleanse and orb of light!

And most importantly, your guardian angel loves you unconditionally.

Your guardian angel's unconditional love reminds you that you are enough, just as you are.

They see your potential and your beauty, even in moments when you struggle to see it yourself. Their radiant energy will empower you to rise above self-judgment and turn to self-love and self-acceptance.

Hungry for more? Check out these related posts about guardian angels and your spirit team:

If you are just starting out and would like to know more about angels, these posts can help:

Now over to you! Which information about your guardian angel's purpose do you find most fascinating? Let me know in the comments below!

White Plants

Angel Frequency

Have you noticed a tingling sensation?


While you have been reading this blog post, the Angels are broadcasting a frequency. 

With angelic frequency comes divine light, healing, love, compassion, ascension codes, programs, and upgrades.


To claim these blessings from the angels, you just need to be open to receive.

About the Author

Hello, dear lightworker! 

I am connecting with angels and channeling their messages to support everyone in the process of spiritual awakening. 

Hope you will find something that resonates with you on my blog. 

Celestial Angel
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